Monday, April 6, 2009

Challenging Times

In a recent article called "Ten Benefts of Difficult Economic Times", authors Wes Willmer and Calvin Howe have some interesting points that are relevant to the parents of a pregnant daughter.

They say, "God gives us challenging times to (1) deepen our own personal faith, (2) improve our ...long-term effectiveness, and (3) focus on our call to fulfill the Great Commission of winning the world to Christ. No matter how bad our situation... God is with His people, and He provides a way for us to find joy and contentment within the circumstance in which we find ourselves."

Don't let the challenge of a daughter pregnant outside of marriage destroy your faith. Recognize this as a time to deepen your own faith. Don't cut yourself off from church, fellowship, and your personal time with God. Now is the time for more Bible study and prayer, not less. Search the Bible for verses that address the emotions you are facing. You may find it helpful to read "Daily Contentment with God" by Howard Ford, a daily devotional that shows you how the Bible has practical advice for topics like anger, fear, and depression.

Don't let the challenge of a daughter pregnant outside of marriage derail your ministry. You may be like Queen Esther ... you are going through this challenge so that you can minister to others based on what you experience now. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."

Your daughter's child is now a member of your responsibility in the Great Commission. God is placing this child in your family. God desires you to minister to that child, teach him/her about God, and lead that child into God's family.

A Christian woman we worked with recently told us that she was reluctantly but seriously considering abortion because she was uncertain about the future of her relationship with the baby's father and she was uncertain about the future economic situation. You may be feeling the same. Write down a reminder that God is with you. Post the reminder where you will see it. Write down a reminder that God provides a way through the challenges of life. Do not give in to the "quick and easy" abortion that destroys the child God has created. The future is always uncertain..this will never change. Matthew 6:34 reminds us "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." So take Godly actions today instead of sinful actions based on fear of the future.

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