Monday, December 22, 2008

T.H.I.N.K. before you speak

In the crushing emotions of discovering that your daughter is pregnant, you may have said some things you now regret. The stresses of her pregnancy will give you many many more opportunities to choose your words more carefully in the coming days. The following acronym from the book "Character Connections" by Robert Baggett may be helpful to you. Before you speak, remember to THINK:

T - Is what you're about to say True?
H - Is what you're about to say Helpful?
I - Is what you're about to say Important?
N - Is what you're about to say Necessary?
K - Is what you're about to say Kind?

If not, can you reword your thoughts or put them off until another time? Maybe they shouldn't even be said, just vented into a private journal or into a prayer.

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