Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Talk about Twilight, the movie

A recent Breakpoint message "BreakPoint: Conversations with Your Daughter, 11/26/08" had some interesting talking points related to the hit movie Twilight that carry over very well into the topics of this blog.

The article says:
  1. It is not romantic, or safe, when a boy spies on you, follows you, and sneaks into your room without your knowledge (and especially without your parents’ knowledge).
  2. It is not romantic, or safe, when someone tells you he’s dangerous and he’s killed people, to give answers like, “It doesn’t matter,” and, “I’m not afraid.” Again, I’ve worked with repentant murderers in prison. I know firsthand that redemption is possible for them. But that doesn’t mean that what they’ve done doesn’t matter.
  3. It is not romantic, or safe, to try to see how close you and your boyfriend can get to the edge of danger without going over.
  4. And it is not romantic, or safe, to offer yourself up for a boy to do whatever he wants to you—symbolized in the movie by the young heroine asking the vampire to bite her so she can become like him.
Talk to your daughter about romance. What does she consider romantic? What do you consider to be appropriate romance at her age? What conditions does she attach to various romantic pursuits? What is the difference between true love, lust, and infatuation? How can she protect her physical and emotional safety better?

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