Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Getting baby's father involved

A recent study suggests that "Fathers who are involved in their children's prenatal care are more likely to be around for the long haul, whether they marry the child's mother or not." So if the father of the baby is someone your family would like to keep around, take action to involve him in the activities of your daughter's pregnancy: "buying things for the baby, helping with the mother with transportation or other tasks, or being present at the birth."

If the baby's father is no longer in the picture or your family does not want him involved for any reason, who will serve as the baby's father figure in the future? Consider asking this person to start being involved right away by taking on the above activities.

You may find it helpful to read the chapters in our book "How To Survive Your Teen's Pregnancy" that are related to the baby's father: "Where does the baby's father belong in all this?", "Forgiving the baby's father", "The importance of a father", "Should they marry?" and "The baby is born."

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