Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Discipline with Integrity

In his book "Character Connections", Robert Baggett has an essay titled "Discipline with Integrity" in which he says:
Before you can discipline a child, you first have to discipline yourself. Parents who scream and make irrational threats like "I'm gonna kill you!" never get much respect. Children soon learn that such parents are too lazy and, perhaps, too apathetic, to follow through on much of anything they say. Wise parents know to think carefully about the consequences they impose because enforcing those consequences will require time and energy of their own.

What did you say when you discovered that your unmarried teen or college daughter was pregnant? Did you threaten to kick her out of the house? Did you threaten other severe consequences? There is no doubt that pregnancy outside of marriage automatically creates consequences for the entire family, not just the pregnant daughter. There may be reasonable consequence that you choose to add, but take the time to think carefully about them instead of reacting from your emotion.

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