Friday, January 30, 2009

Baby's First Year - Instruction Videos has several short videos to help teach new moms some basics of caring for their child. Watch them with your pregnant daughter, the rest of your family (so they can learn how to help), and the baby's father (if he'll be in the picture). Discuss each one... did you learn a different technique when you were raising your children? Who will help your daughter with each of the tasks shown?

Video topics include: Baby blues, baby's development, baby's early reflexes, baby's first checkup, bathtime, bottlefeeding, breastfeeding - latching on, breastfeeding positions, caring for cradle cap and baby acne, caring for the umbilical cord, creating a bond with older siblings, jaundice, installing the car seat, picking up your baby, leaving the hospital, recovery for new moms, swaddling, helping your baby be a good sleeper, colic, using a thermometer, changing a diaper, and diaper rash.

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