Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Episode 3 - The Secret Life of the American Teenager

You can watch the two most-recent episodes online here (click the tab called "Full Episode"). Here are a few points from the show, followed by some items to discuss with your teens.

  • Ashley's mom comments on Ashley's tubetop and miniskirt outfit, saying "Be mysterious. Less is more." Clothing choices are not message-free. Look through catalogs with your kids and call out what message each outfit sends. Then go through your closets...what messages do your kid's clothes send? Ashley is 13, and a man stares at her, prompting mom to tell him he's a pervert. When do your kids think its okay for a girl to start dressing in revealing ways?
  • Amy's clothes are starting to not fit. Later in the show we see she is having other pregnancy side-effects: swollen feet, growing breasts, nausea, appetite change
  • Ben's friend Henry asks "If you're not going to kiss her, what's the point in going out with her?" What do your kids think the point of dating is? Is sexual activity of some kind a mandatory and expected part of dating?
  • Jack taunts Grace, "How old do you think you'll be when you stop letting your parents make your decisions for you?" Talk with your kids about the process of gaining independence in your family. As they mature they should be taking on more decisions - what kinds of decisions do you think they are ready to make on their own right now, and what kinds should they still be obeying you? Later in the show, Grace's dad say his household is not a democracy, its a kingdom. What is your family like? Are there some areas where the family is a democracy and some where it is a kingdom?
  • Jack continues, "All the guys think I'm a big wuss because they think you're in charge of me. You and your parents." Talk with your kids about this kind of attitude. What does masculinity mean to them? How should men and women interact in terms of 'being in charge'?
  • Amy's friends say, "Eww. Don't say things like 'fetus' to us." Fetus is a latin term. Find out what it means.
  • Amy's friend's brother Jason says, "You know mom and dad aren't going to let you hang out with her anymore when they find out." If your teen told you their friend was pregnant, what would be your response? Would you allow your kids to continue to hang out with them? Why/why not? What do your kids wish your reaction would be?
  • Grace is talking to her family about Jack and says, "Sometimes liking someone doesn't always make sense. It isn't always logical. Maybe I have no reason to like this guy, but I do. We dated all summer and he never gave me or you any reason not to trust him." But her parents both say they do not want her dating Jack. Talk about the feelings and actions of infatuation, lust, and love. How are they different? How can you tell them apart?
  • Dr. Hightower is talking to Amy on the phone and says, "Your mother is a very nice woman. She's going to be a big help to you. Once she gets past the news." She offers to help Amy tell her mother she's pregnant. Many parents are upset when they find out their teen daughter is pregnant. But they do also love their daughter and want to help her.
  • Dr. Hightower continues, "Every day is important in a pregnancy... You're in charge of another life now." If your daughter is pregnant, help her get prenatal care as soon as possible.
  • Ricky talks Grace into letting him help her 'sneak around' to date Jack without her parent's permission. A lot of lying is involved in order to get out the door. How would this behavior go over in your family?
  • Amy admits to her sister, Ashley, that she is pregnant. Ashley promises not to tell their parents. If one child knew a big secret about another of your kids, would you want them to tell you?

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy also has a discussion guide online for this episode (PDF file).

We blogged about each episode in season one: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven.

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