Monday, August 1, 2011

Community College students and parenting

61% of women who have children after enrolling in community college fail to finish their degree.

Nearly half (48%) of community college students have ever been pregnant or have gotten someone pregnant.

15% of all community college students are single parents.

Talk to your pregnant daughter about these statistics from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy curriculum for community colleges.

If she chooses to attend community college, she may have a higher level of emotional support from her classmates because they are more likely to be parents themselves.  However, every parent faces challenges when trying to attend school and be a parent at the same time (not to mention employment!).  Brainstorm with your pregnant daughter about how she can finish her degree instead of dropping out.  What creative solutions can you both come up with?

You may find it helpful to read the chapters "Completing School" and “Should she make an adoption plan?” in our book “How To Survive Your Teen’s Pregnancy“.

Have questions? Want to talk about this post or other issues? Have some ideas/solutions to share with us? Write a comment, join us on Facebook, or talk with us on our new Grandparent Support Group

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