Monday, June 9, 2008

Living Arrangements: Relatives

Does your pregnant single daughter need to live somewhere besides your own home during her pregnancy? Maybe she needs to get away from the baby's father for her own safety (physical, mental, etc.)? You have a few options to examine carefully, depending on your daughter's age and your resources (financial resources being the primary factor). We discuss these options in chapter 27 "Should She Parent Alone?" of our book "How To Survive Your Teen's Pregnancy: Practical Advice for the Parents of a Christian Pregnant Single".

First, your daughter could go live with someone in your family (her grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc.). Other alternatives will be discussed in separate posts later this week.

Which relatives should you approach with the idea of your daughter staying with them during her pregnancy? There are a lot of factors to discuss, and you'll probably want to have a solid agreement with the other family (maybe even in writing).

For example, the relatives MUST have accessible prenatal care for your daughter. Do the medical practitioners there accept the medical insurance that covers your daughter?

Which relatives are able to provide the level of supervision appropriate for your daughter?

Though the world is rarely ideal, it would be beneficial if the relatives have opportunities that are an improvement over your daughter's current situation: Are there educational opportunities for your daughter that are not available at your own home? Are there part-time jobs available? Is there a pregnancy resource center near their house that can provide pregnancy education, adoption education, parenting education, and peer mentoring?

What rules and privleges will your daughter have to follow at the relatives' house? How will the relatives enforce these? What will be the consequence if your daughter just will not follow the rules?

For example, what rules are there about her access to the Internet, or to the phone? Will she have her own transportation or need to be driven around? What will she need to contribute to household chores or even household expenses? Will your relatives charge rent?

Where will your daughter give birth? When will your daughter return to your home?

Talking about these issues up front will help to avoid misunderstandings and hard feelings later.

For more posts about housing issues, click the label "Housing" below. There you'll find posts about your pregnant daughter living at your home, and about her living in a maternity home, among other topics.

Share with us in the comments (anonymously if you prefer): Has someone in your family housed a pregnant relative? What were the benefits and the hardships? What tips can you share?

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