Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Researching Adoption

Every woman who is pregnant and single should research adoption so that she can make a fully-educated choice about her parenting decision. When the baby has been crying all day, she can remind herself that she carefully made her decision, instead of saying to herself, "Why didn't I look at adoption too?"

There are many, many adoption agencies out there. Careful research will require you to talk to someone at the agency and ask questions like these:
  • How does the agency select the adoptive parents that they represent?
  • Is effective counseling offered to the birthparents both before and after the adoption?
  • What birthparent expenses does the State allow the adopting couple to pay? How does the agency ensure that these expenses are paid?
  • What happens if a birthparent changes their mind?
  • Does the agency embrace or facilitate open adoption?
  • What is the cost of adoption to the adoptive parents?
  • How is the governing board of directors selected, and who are the board members?
  • What is the agency's perspective on adoption by single parents or same-sex couples?
  • Get references from adoptive parents who have been clients of the agency, as well as birthparents.

You may find it helpful to read the chapters "Should she make an adoption plan?" and "Should we adopt the baby?" in our book "How To Survive Your Teen's Pregnancy".

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