Thursday, June 25, 2009

Real Story: Mahogany

ABC Primetime ran a series of articles featuring teen moms. This article is the story of Mahogany.

"Mahogany became pregnant between the eighth and ninth grades, and gave birth to her son Khaesyn just two weeks before her 15th birthday." Mahogany's mother was also a teen mother and had been raising Mahogany as a single mother. The father of Mahogany's child is only occassionally involved with his child. When Mahogany discovered she was pregnant at 14, she considered abortion, but her mother would not give her the permission she needed in her state of Kentucky. Mahogany is now glad that she didn't get an abortion.

Mahogany attends a special school program that provides educational, medical and daycare support services to the 320 girls enrolled. This program helps 96% of its teen moms to graduate from high school. Mahogany intended to go to college and she has a career goal.

What are your pregnant daughter's dreams for her education? Does she have a career goal? Would an adoption plan help her achieve her goals? You may find it helpful to read the chapters "Completing school", "Should she parent alone?", "Should we adopt the baby?", and "Should she make an adoption plan?" in our book "How To Survive Your Teen's Pregnancy."

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