Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discuss dating

The National Fatherhood Initiative has tips on talking to your sons and daughters about dating.

Talk to your teens about these items:
1) Set your expectations about behavior. Explain why you want to meet their date and ask them questions: that you understand and trust your children but that it is your job as a parent to protect them. So let your teens know you will want to talk to the people they date.

2) Follow through and ask those questions! Get to know the person that is taking out your child. How are they doing in school? What are their favorite and least favorite subjects? What are their goals following school? Are they currently working? Where? What are their beliefs? Do they attend religious services? Where? What do they like about them? What do their parents do for a living?

3) Tell your child and their date that you expect clear boundaries and be specific about what is off-limits. For example, explain your expected limits on kissing and touching; on being alone; on alcohol and drugs; appropriate places to go and activities; and on communcation (how often are they allowed to see each other? talk on the phone? text? etc)

4) Make sure your kids know they can always talk to you about dating. Listen when they talk, by not jumping to conclusions or immediately trying to solve the situation.

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