Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who is the pregnant teen?

Results of new public opinion polling show that 67% of adults believe that most teen mothers are from homes below the federal poverty level. Fully 70% of adults surveyed believe that most teen mothers come from single parents homes.New, first-of-its-kind analysis of existing research conducted for The National Campaign by Child Trends makes clear that both perceptions are incorrect:

Only 28% of those who report having given birth or fathered a child as a teen lived in families with incomes below the federal poverty line.

Seven in ten (72%) lived in families above the federal poverty level (31% at 100-199% of poverty and 41% at 200% or more of poverty).

Just 30% of those who report having given birth to or fathered a child as a teen say said they were living with a single parent.

Four in ten (39%) say they lived with both biological parents and 19% reported living with one biological and one step parent.

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