Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Keep healthy during flu season

Remember these simple tips:

1) Wash your hands. Especially before you eat. Use soap and rub for 30 seconds before rinsing.

2) Avoid touching your face.

3) Cover your cough with the crook of your elbow, not your hands.

4) Avoid sick people.

If you get the flu:
1) Stay at home and get rest. The CDC recommends you stay home for 24 hours AFTER your fever is gone.

2) Stay hydrated with water, broth, or drinks like gatorade.

3) Know when to seek emergency medical care. Warning signs include: fast breathing or trouble breathing; bluish or gray skin color; dehydration symptoms such as dizziness when standing, absence of urination; Severe or persistent vomiting; flu symptoms that improve but then return with a fever and worse cough.

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