Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pregnant College Athletes

Does your pregnant daughter have a scholarship because she's an athlete on her college sports team? If her school is a member of the National College Athletic Association (NCAA), see if they are following the NCAA policy on pregnant and parenting students.

Wright State University is the origin of this policy, according to this article. The article says, "In 2002, when two female student-athletes at Wright State were pregnant, one was able to retain her scholarship, while the other lost her financial aid for the next year." School staff didn't like how the situation was handled, so they wrote a policy that is now the model for every NCAA school.

"What the booklet, titled, ‘Pregnant and parenting student-athletes, resources and model policies’, mainly tries to secure, is a protection of pregnant female athletes’ financial aid since the condition is temporary, like a mid-season injury."

This policy model is based on "Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the legislation preventing any institution from discriminating against any athlete because of gender. Section 106.40 of the law reads, “A recipient shall not discriminate, or exclude any student from its education program or activity…on the basis of such student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom.”"

"The policy model is still just a model and doesn’t carry the force of a bylaw, meaning there is no penalty for not following it." But at least if your pregnant daughter is being threatened that she must abort her child in order to retain her athletic scholarship, you'll have some ammunition for talking to the school about a more reasonable decision.

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