Friday, October 7, 2011

Real Stories: Ashley Watts

Ashley Watts got pregnant during her freshman year in college.  "She had never wanted or planned to be a mother that early in life. She wasn’t ready for a child. However, she refused to do what everyone thought she would do; she refused to give up. Now, 24-year-old Watts is pursing her Master’s degree in criminal justice at the University of Alabama and is the proud mother of a 4-year-old."

Ashley notes that being a parent and a student is very difficult.  Some of the difficulties your pregnant daughter may face as a student and a parent include the feeling of isolation, and the recognition that her classmates have a very different lifestyle with less responsibility.

“One of the most common misconceptions I have faced is that everyone thought that once I became pregnant that I would just pack my bags and head back home,” Watts said. “They all thought I would just give up school, or take my daughter home to father to let him raise her. But that was never an option for me.”

Watts said her life is often overwhelming, but she continues to push through for her daughter.

“My daughter will know that no matter what life may throw at her, she can still come out on top,” Watts said. “Getting pregnant young does not have to be an ‘end of my life’ scenario. It is exactly what you make it, and I chose to rise above and be more than just another statistic.”

The University of Alabama has support for parents who are undergraduates and graduate students.  Does your daughter's school have a support program that would be beneficial to her?

You may find it helpful to read the chapter “Completing School”in our book “How To Survive Your Teen’s Pregnancy".

Have questions? Want to talk about this post or other issues? Write a comment, join us on Facebook, or talk with us on our new Grandparent Support Group!  

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